Digital Image Processing (DIP) with Khoros 2 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS - August 17th, 1995 =================================================================== Index Q1 What is DIP? Q2 What are the objectives of DIP? Q3 What is Khoros? Q4 Where can I get Khoros? Q5 Where can I get DIP ? Q6 Can I use DIP over the WWW only? Q7 I don't have Khoros 2 installed, can I still use the DIP course? Q8 Can I use the DIP course using Khoros1.0.5? Q9 I prefer to use the spline type for the connections between operators in cantata. How can I make this the default shape? ============================================================================ Q1 What is DIP ? A1 DIP is an interactive Digital Image Processing course using Khoros 2. Q2 What are the objectives of DIP? A2 It has the following objectives: - Transfer the theory and practice required to process and visualize digital information. - Expose students to state-of-the-art technology through a hands-on approach to Digital Image Processing. - Present Khoros 2 as a software integration and development environment that emphasizes information processing and exploration. - Apply Khoros 2 as a common language platform for collaboration, software development, demonstration, technology transfer and training/education. - Provide new teaching and learning tools to motivate the user community to collaborate utilizing both synchronous and asynchronous exchanges of resources and knowledge. Q3 What is Khoros? A3 Khoros is for scientists, engineers, data analysts and explorers who need to perform a variety of domain-specific tasks and solve real problems. Khoros is a complete data exploration and software development environment that reduces your time in solving complex problems, allows free sharing of ideas and information, and promotes portability. Unlike other canned, unextensible products, Khoros provides a cost effective, complete prototype to end-solution software development environment. Q4 Where can I get Khoros? A4 Khoros is distributed from several sites around the world. The main site is Q5 Where can I get DIP ? A5 DIP alpha release is available at least in the following ftp anonymous sites: and in the directory: /pub/khoros2.0/contrib/toolboxes/dipcourse file : dipcourse.tar.gz Q6 Can I use DIP over the WWW only? A6 Yes, at the WWW adresses: but if your network is slow is better to copy DIP using anonymous ftp. Q7 I don't have Khoros 2 installed, can I still use the DIP course? A7 The DIP course is organized in lessons. Each lesson has one page which explain a particular concept or presents a particular problem. This page is very illustrative. The second page for each lesson is a recipe on how to solve the problem using Khoros2. So, even if you don't have Khoros2 installed, you can see the first page of each lesson. Q8 Can I use the DIP course using Khoros1.0.5? A8 No, the workspaces in Khoros2 are not compatible with Khoros1.0.5. Q9 I prefer to use spline shape for the connections between operators in cantata. How can I make this the default shape? A9 Edit the file $DESIGN/objects/xvroutine/cantata/app-defaults/cantata and change the connection to type 3. cantata*Workspace*connectionType: 3 ===========================================================================