DIP with Khoros 2:
Where to Get it and How to Install DIP Khorosware

Cies Island, Vigo, Spain

DIP with Khoros 2 Course Usage

The course can be used in two formats

1) By observing the "html" pages of the course as a passive user.
In this manner you don't need to install anything. All you need is a WEB browser such as Mosaic or Netscape. There are three WEB servers where you can access the course:

2) By fully using the interactive facilities of the on-line course.
In this case you need to have Khoros 2 installed, in addition you will need the DIP Khorosware, MMACH and WAVELET toolboxes. You can get Khoros 2 and the toolboxes via anonymous ftp from several sites around the world, three main sites are:

Khoros 2 can be obtained from

DIP Khorosware is available from

The contributed toolboxes MMACH and WAVELET can be obtained from


If a number of people at your site want to use the DIP course material, or if you have a slow network connection to the servers, we recommend you install Khoros 2, the DIP Khorosware, and MMACH and WAVELET toolboxes locally.

Setting up Your "http" Server

Digital Image Processing with Khoros 2 "Toolbox-Course"
		Alpha version 2 for Khoros 2

1) Requirements:
   - Khoros Toolboxes:

   - Contributed "Toolboxes"
     WAVELET: wavelet toolbox 
     MMACH: mathematical morphology routines toolbox
     DIP: this course

   - in your home directory the following file is needed
#       .mime.types file for DIP course
application/animate             viffa
application/cantata             wk
application/editimage           viffe
application/editcmap            viffc
application/putimage            viffp viff
application/putplot2            viff2
application/putplot3            viff3
application/xprism              viffx
application/puticon             viffic 
application/putpalette          viffpa 
application/putanimate          viffpan
application/preview             pane form

   - in your home directory the following file is needed
#       .mailcap file for DIP course
application/animate; animate -i %s
#application/cantata; runwksp -wksp %s
application/cantata; cantata -wksp %s
application/editimage; editimage -i %s
application/editcmap; edicmap -i %s
application/putimage; putimage -i %s
application/putplot2; putplot2 -i %s 
application/putplot3; putplot3 -i %s 
application/xprism; xprism -i1 %s 
application/preview; preview -i %s
application/puticon; puticon -i %s
application/putpalette; putpalette -i %s
application/putanimate; putanimate -i %s

2) all data (viff, ascii, etc) files are located in the
"$DIP/html/data" directory

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Copyright © 1995 KRI, ISTEC, Ramiro Jordán, Roberto Lotufo. All Rights Reserved.