The course can be used in two formats
1) By observing the "html" pages of the course as a passive user.
In this manner you don't need to install anything. All you need is
a WEB browser such as Mosaic or Netscape. There are three WEB servers
where you can access the course:
2) By fully using the interactive facilities of the on-line course.
In this case you need to have Khoros 2 installed, in addition you will need the
DIP Khorosware, MMACH and WAVELET toolboxes. You can get Khoros 2 and
the toolboxes via anonymous ftp from several sites around the world, three
main sites are:
Khoros 2 can be obtained from
DIP Khorosware is available from
The contributed toolboxes MMACH and WAVELET can be obtained from
Digital Image Processing with Khoros 2 "Toolbox-Course" Alpha version 2 for Khoros 2 ********************************************************* 1) Requirements: - MOSAIC - Khoros Toolboxes: BOOTSTRAP DATAMANIP DATASERV ENVISION IMAGE DESIGN RETRO - Contributed "Toolboxes" WAVELET: wavelet toolbox MMACH: mathematical morphology routines toolbox DIP: this course - in your home directory the following file is needed # # .mime.types file for DIP course # application/animate viffa application/cantata wk application/editimage viffe application/editcmap viffc application/putimage viffp viff application/putplot2 viff2 application/putplot3 viff3 application/xprism viffx application/puticon viffic application/putpalette viffpa application/putanimate viffpan application/preview pane form - in your home directory the following file is needed # # .mailcap file for DIP course # application/animate; animate -i %s #application/cantata; runwksp -wksp %s application/cantata; cantata -wksp %s application/editimage; editimage -i %s application/editcmap; edicmap -i %s application/putimage; putimage -i %s application/putplot2; putplot2 -i %s application/putplot3; putplot3 -i %s application/xprism; xprism -i1 %s application/preview; preview -i %s application/puticon; puticon -i %s application/putpalette; putpalette -i %s application/putanimate; putanimate -i %s 2) all data (viff, ascii, etc) files are located in the "$DIP/html/data" directory