Area Distribution

Building the Cantata Workspace

  1. Read and display the image blobs.viff. Use operators User defined and Display Image.
  2. Label the image and display it. Use the Labeling operator of the MMACH toolbox.
  3. Use the Statistics operator to find out the maximum pixel value. This gives the total number of regions in the image.
  4. Take the Histogram of the labeled image using a bin size of 1 and number of bins as the number of regions obtained in the last step. Since the background region has an area much larger compared to the rest of regions, take the histogram starting from 1 to the total number of regions.
  5. Plot the histogram and observe the maximum value. This is the region with the largest area.
  6. Take the Histogram of the histogram using a bin size of 400 and number of bins 4. This will allow you to group the regions in four different categories. Print its contents using Print Data. Interpret the meaning of this table.


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