- Executing cantata: from the command line execute
cantata, wait until an empty workspace is displayed on your screen.
% cantata (foreground execution)
% cantata& (background execution)

Cantata: empty workspace
To exit click on the Quit button.
- Selecting an operator/glyph: using the mouse press down on
Input/Output and from the Data Files option select
User defined.
Position the selected "operator/glyph" in the workspace.

User defined operator/glyph
- Using the mouse press down on Visualization and
from the Non-Interactive Display option select
Display Image.
Position the selected "operator/glyph" within the workspace.

Display Image operator/glyph
- Connect both operators by "clicking" the mouse on the
input and output arrows of each operator. A network of operators is known
as a visual program.

A visual program
- Manipulating Connections: once a data flow or
control connection has been made between two glyphs,
the user can delete, save data to a file (for data
flow connections only), or set connection options. Clicking the
left mouse button on a connection will bring the options described above.
Clicking the middle mouse button will bring the connections options menu

Manipulating connections:
left mouse button (without input file selected)

Manipulating connections: middle mouse button
- Selection of operators/glyphs: operators can be found via
menus, by using the Routines and/or Finder submenus
selection buttons.

Menus selection buttons
- Explore the options provided by the submenu Routines.

Routines selection button options
- Explore the options provided by the submenu Finder.

Finder selection button options
- Modifying parameters/options of an operator:click on the
"pane button" (middle button) of an operator
to access its internal parameters.

Glyph pane button
Click on the Pane button of the User defined glyph.
Once the pane is displayed, at the bottom clear the line and type "$DIP/data/"
followed with a carriage return. Click on the Input File button.
Now you have access to the directory containing all the images
for this course. Select an image by clicking on it. To exit the pane click
on the Close button.

User defined operator pane options
- To "browse" the contents of the image files in this directory click
on the Input File button. Select an image by clicking on it. Note
the browser will go away once a selection has been made. Use the scroll bar
to browse through the contents of this directory. To exit click on the
Cancel button.

Input File browser
- Executing/Halting a glyph: click on the "off/on" switch
found on each executable glyph.

Glyph off-on switch
- To kill (destroy) a glyph click on the red "bomb".

Glyph kill/destroy button
- Glyph Error Indicator: the YUCKY FACE will
appear under the glyph when the operator has encountered an error during

Glyph Error Indicator
Clicking on the YUCKY FACE will display a subform with the error
message. For instance,

Error Pane
- Workspace Command Bar and the Workspace Submenu: these
two interfaces enable the user to execute the features provided in
cantata. The first interface is the Workspace Submenu

Workspace Submenu options
The second interface to the cantata features is the Workspace
Command Bar. This interface appears above the cantata workspace,
and it is made of two parts:
- a set of command buttons
- a single command string selection

Workspace Command Bar
- Executing/Halting an entire workspace: click on the main workspace
"off/on" switch or select Run from the Workspace submenu.

Workspace off-on or Run Workspace switch
This will execute/halt ALL glyphs of a new visual program, or will
re-execute/halt only those operators affected by a change.
- Single stepping through a visual program: click on the
"single step" switch. This enables the user to examine intermediate
results, debug the visual program, or verify operator parameters.

Single Step Execute switch
- Reset a workspace: clicking the "Reset" switch will
"touch" (re-initialize) all operators. This function can also be accessed
via the Workspace submenu.

Reset Workspace switch
- Clear a workspace: clicking on the "Clear" switch will
erase (clear) all operators/glyphs from a workspace. That is, it will
erase al visual program(s) from the workspace.

Clear Workspace switch
- Check a workspace: clicking the "Check" switch will call
the scheduler to verify if required connections are missing or other errors
exist in a workspace. The user will be notified via error messages.
This function can also be accessed via the Workspace submenu.

Check Workspace switch
- Redraw a workspace: selecting the Redraw option
from the Wokspace submenu will refresh all glyphs in the workspce.
This function can also be accessed via the Workspace submenu.
- Workspace information: selecting this switch will calculate
a few statistics on the workspace (eg. number of glyphs, procedures, etc).

Display Workspace Information switch
- Show Workspace GUI: this function can also be accessed
via the Workspace submenu. This option will display the GUI for the workspace
when a visual program has been encapsulated.

Show Workspace GUI switch
For advanced cantata capabilities click
- Export Selection: this option will export the arguments of
selected operators to the Worspace GUI. Click on the Export Selection
option found in the Workspace submenu.
For advanced cantata capabilities click
- Encapsulate Workspace: this option will you to encapsulate
a visual program into a stand-alone application. Click on the
Encapsulate Workspace option found in the Workspace submenu.
For advanced cantata capabilities click
- Create Procedure: this function can also be accessed
via the Workspace submenu. This option enables the user to create a
subprocedure from a set of selected operators.

Create Procedure switch
- Create Count Loop: this function can also be accessed
via the Workspace submenu. This option enables the user to create a
control structure from a set of selected glyphs.

Create Count Loop switch
- Create While Loop: this function can also be accessed
via the Workspace submenu. This option enables the user to create a
while control structure from a set of selected glyphs.

Create While Loop switch
- Workspace Command Bar and the Edit Submenu: these two
interfaces enable the user to visually edit a visual program in cantata.
The first interface is the Edit submenu options.

Edit Submenu
The second interface to the cantata features is the Workspace
Command Bar. This interface appears above the cantata workspace
as described above.
- Show Workspace Clipboard: the "clipboard" is used to store
selected glyphs for cut, copy and paste operations. Selecting this option
will cause the clipboard to be displayed.

Show Workspace Clipboard
- Copy: this option when selected from the "Edit" submenu
copies the selected glyphs from the workspace into the clipboard. The
original glyphs in the workspace remain untouched. The selected glyphs
will remain in the clipboard until they are transferred back into the
workspace using the Paste option.
- Cut: will remove the selected glyphs from the worspace and
transfer them into the clipboard. The selected glyphs
will remain in the clipboard until they are transferred back into the
workspace using the Paste option. The glyphs moved into the clipboard
by the Cut operation will be over-written by any successive
Copy or Cut operations.

Cut Selected Glyphs to Clipboard switch
- Paste: will copy all selected glyphs in the clipboard to the

Paste Clipboard to Workspace switch
- Duplicate: operates like a combination of Copy and
Paste operations. It copies the selected glyph from the workspace
and immediately pastes them back into the workspace.

Duplicate Selected Glyphs switch
- Raise: will raise selected glyphs above other glyphs that may
obscure them.
- Lower: will lower selected glyphs above other glyphs that they
may be obscuring.
- Delete: will delete all selected glyphs.

Delete Selected Glyphs switch
- Undo Delete: Deleted glyphs are stored in a stack. Undo Delete
pops the stack.

Undo Deletion switch
- Select All: this option will automatically select every glyph
in the workspace.

Select All Glyphs switch
- Unselect All: this option will automatically unselect every
glyph in the workspace.

Unselect All Glyphs switch
- Saving/Restoring Workspaces: these two interfaces enable the user
to save and restore workspaces. The first interface is the Files
submenu option. A subform will be displayed with
the available options. In the Save Workspace row type in a filename
for the workspace you wish to save. If you wish to restore a workspace
type in the filename of it in the Restore Workspace row.

Save/Restore Workspaces
The second interface utilizes swithes in the Workspace Command Bar.
- Workspace Attributes: clicking on the Attributes submenu
will a subform to be displayed. This subform allows you to set parameters
which control various aspects of cantata.

Workspace Attributes subform
- Set Canvas Grid To: this option makes the grid "Visible" or
"Invisible". The grid assists in the alignment of glyphs.
- Canvas Grid Size: allows the user to modify the grid size
(in number of pixels).
- Connection Type: enables the user to select the type of
connection between gluphs.
- Rubberband Connections: this option refers to how the glyphs
connections are adjusted whenever a glyph is moved. Continuously (true)
or after the glyph has been placed (flase).
- Interactive Placement: when you create a glyph, it will be
automatically placed for you (false) or you can place it manually (true).
- Always Display Glyph: this attribute determines whether or
not the glyp should be unmapped when its pane is opened.
- Show Data Available: this option provides visual feedback
as to whether or not data is available to a glyph. A dot next to an
input/output connection indicates the availability of data.
- Show Modified Glyphs: this option enables the user to visualize
whether or not a glyph has been modified from its last execution.
- Parallel Execution: this option is valid when parallel
and independent visual programs exist on a workspace. Making
this option true makes the programs to execute faster (each network
executes simultaneously).
- Echo Execution: this option when is set to true will
echo all processes being executed to the console.
- Use Global Variables: variables and expressions can be local
to a procedure or global to the entire workspace. Setting this option to false
makes the variables to be local to a procedure.
For advanced cantata capabilities click
- Enable Remote Execution: (not available yet)
- Responsive Execution: (not available yet)
- Draw Color:
- Grid Color: allows the user to change the color used for the grid.
- Fill Color: allows the user to change the color used for
- Background Pixmap: allows the user to change the background
pixmap of the canvas.