# Khoros Visual Programming Workspace # # cantata workspace file (/l/rep03/khoros2.0/dip_course_alpha/html-course/k2tools/cantata/if-else/if-else.wk) was created # on Mon May 1 11:36:11 1995 # by user rjordan # VariablesBegin: # # list of currently declared variables # # Simple expression 'i' i = 1 VariablesEnd: #GlyphBegin # Glyph 'User defined' Glyph:DESIGN:user_def::3:85:185:: -o $DIP/data/gull.viff # Conditional 'If Else' Conditional:CONDITIONAL:if_else::7:245:165:: -condition 'i > 0' # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::11:585:265:: -use_cmap 1 -x '10' -y '300' # Glyph 'Display Palette' Glyph:ENVISION:putpalette::15:405:85:: -use_cmap 1 -x '10' -y '10' # Glyph 'Autocolor' Glyph:ENVISION:kautocolor::19:365:265:: -autocolor 14 # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::23:525:145:: -use_cmap 1 -x '400' -y '10' # Glyph 'Comment Icon' Glyph:DESIGN:comment::27:145:105:: -comment '1) Open the pane of the "If Else" construct and in the\n "IF Conditional Expression" box define the expression \n i > 0 . Close the pane.\n2) Click on the "Variables" button to access the pane\n that allows you to define and initialize variables.\n3) In the "Expression" box type define the variable\n and expression: i = 0\n4) Evaluate the expression by clicking on the "Evaluate"\n button.\n5) Reset the workspace environment.\n6) Execute the visual program.\n7) To change the variable value and re-execute the visual\n program repeat steps 3 through 6.' # Glyph 'Icon' Glyph:ENVISION:puticon::31:225:285:: -use_cmap 1 -x '300' -y '500' #GlyphEnd #ConnectionBegin # 'User defined' NodeConnection:3:o:7:i: NodeConnection:3:o:31:i: # 'If Else' NodeConnection:7:o1:15:i: NodeConnection:7:o1:23:i: NodeConnection:7:o2:19:i: # 'Autocolor' NodeConnection:19:o:11:i: #ConnectionEnd #ExternalConnectionEnd AnnotationsBegin AnnotationsEnd