Putdata allows the user to display the data containied in the Khoros 2.0 viff file, or the data contained in any of the file formats supported by the Khoros system.
Putdata can display data as an image, as value data, as an icon, as a 2D plot, as a 3D plot, as an animated sequence, as a palette, or as a zoom window. The form in which the data is displayed is selected by the user. to display the actual pixel values of an image. The putdata routine forms the core of all the non-interactive data display applications in Khoros 2.0. That is, applications such as putimage, puticon, putzoom, putanimate, putplot2, putplot3, putpalette, putmapval, and putpixel are shells around putdata to facilitate the user interface.
The features/usage provided by putdata include:
-i (infile) input file Required Mutually Exclusive Group - Specify exactly one of the 9 options: [-image] (flag) displays the image, given image data [-pixel] (flag) displays the value data of the object [-imageicon] (flag) displays an icon image, given image data [-mapval] (flag) displays the map value data of the object [-animate] (flag) animates an image, given sequenced image data [-palette] (flag) displays the colormap of the object [-zoom] (flag) zooms in on the data [Optional Loose Group - Specify at least one of the 2 options:] [-plot2d] (flag) creates a 2D plot of the data [-axis] (flag) display a set of 2D axes with 2D plots [-plot3d] (flag) creates a 3D plot of the data [-c] (infile) input clip mask file (default = null) [-cmap] (infile) input alternate cmap file (default = null) [-use_cmap] (boolean) use colormap? (default = true) [-x] (integer) x location of GUI (-1 <= x <= 1000, default = -1) [-width] (integer) The window width (-1 <= width <= 1000, default = 512) [-y] (integer) y location of GUI (-1 <= y <= 1000, default = -1) [-height] (integer) The window height (-1 <= height <= 1000, default = 512) [-update] (float) initial update time (update >= 0.0, default = 2) [-V] (flag) gives the version number of the program [-U] (flag) gives the usage of the program [-P] (flag) interactive prompting for arguments [-gui] (flag) run from GUI as defined in *.pane file [-A] (outfile) Creates an answer file (default = null) [-a] (infile) Uses an answer file (default = null) [-ap] (infile) prints answer file values (default = null)
putdata can be executed from the command line user interface (CLUI):
putdata -i input.filename
If you wish to use the Graphical User Interface then type:
putdata -guiand wait till you see the graphical user interface. Then make your selections.
GUI for putdata