xprism is a 2D/3D plotting package for use independently or with other parts of Khoros. Multiple plots may be displayed in a single area, and multiple areas may also be used. For 2D plots, plot types include line, discrete, bar, polymarker and linemarker plots. Plot types for 3D plots include line, wireframe, mesh, color mesh, horizon, scatter, impulse, 2D and 3D contour, and shaded plots.
There are a variety of ways to input the plot data. Data objects containing plot information, images, or raw data may be used. Ascii files containing functions or data points are also supported. In addition, 2D and 3D functions may be entered directly from the keyboard. Fonts, colors, axes, marker types, line types, plot types, and titles can be changed as desired. The perspective with which 3D plots are viewed can be controlled.
The first plot to be input automatically creates a new area. This area is considered to be the selected area; this is indicated by the yellow border highlighting the area. Next time you input a plot, you must indicate whether its destination is to be the "Selected Area", or a "New Area". If you specify "Selected Area", the second plot will join the first plot in the original area. If you specify a new area, a new area will be created, dividing the plot workspace in two, with the second plot inside. The new area will now be considered to be the selected area, as indicated by the yellow border. If you want to go back to operations concerning the first area, simply click on the first area to select it; the yellow border should now appear on the first area. Remember, before doing any operation, to make sure that the area with which you want to work is selected, and highlighted with the yellow border.
The graphical user interface of xprism consists of a master form containing a number of action buttons and subform buttons, as well as the workspace in which the plots are displayed. Above the ploy workspace are "License", "Help", and "Quit" buttons, from which one may access the license agreement, display online help pages, and quit the program, respectively. To the left of the image workspace are four subform buttons labeled "Files", "Options", "Output", and "Colormaps". Below the subform buttons are a group of action buttons, and beneath those are two more subform buttons. An overview of the subform and action buttons is given below.
The following is a plot of the data file "2dfft.viff".
Click ont the Plot
button to access the following options:
Xprism Plot: input files options
Different files types are supported by xprism, which are:
# # This an ascii file to plot a 2D function. # # f(x) is a must and the variable must be x. # The range is: # x = (minimum point, maximum point, number of points ) # f(x) = sin(x) * cos(x) + x**2 x = (-pi, 3.14, 40)
# # This an ascii file to plot a 3D function. # # f(x,y) is a must and the variables must be x and y. # The range is: # x = (minimum point, maximum point, number of points ) # y = (minimum point, maximum point, number of points ) # f(x,y) = cos(y**3) * sin(x**4) / cos(y*3) x = (-5.0, 5.0, 25) y = (0.0, 10.0, 25)
2D data points (integer or floating point) x y x y and 3D data points (integer or floating point) x y z x y z
Xprism Plot: input 2D/3D functions options
f(x) is a must and the variable must be x. Specify the range of x = (minimum point, maximum point, number of points ) f(x) = sin(x) * cos(x) + x**2
Specify the range of x = (minimum point, maximum point, number of points ) and y = (minimum point, maximum point, number of points ) f(x,y) = cos(y**3) * sin(x**4) / cos(y*3)
Xprism Plot: plot types options
Click on the Options
button to edit object attributes.
Xprism Options
By clicking on an "Area" under the Area List column and then clicking the Open button, you can alter the "Area Object Attributes" by mpdifying the parameters listed in the following pane object:
Xprism Options: Area Object Attributes
Similarly, clicking on a "Plot" under the Plot & Axis List column and then clicking the Open button, you can alter the "Plot Object Attributes" by mpdifying the parameters listed in the following pane object:
Xprism Options: Plot Object Attributes
To store a result click on
the Output button.
Xprism Output options
To modify color LUTs click on
the Colormap button.
Xprism Colormap options
To modify the layout of the
display click on the Layout button.
Xprism Layout options
To alter area defaults click
on the Defaults button.
Xprism Default options
xprism can be executed from within cantata, or directly from the command line. To interactively display an image from the command line user interface (CLUI) type:
xprism -i image.filenameIf you wish to use the Graphical User Interface then type:
xprism -guiand wait till you see the graphical user interface. Now type the image filename in the "Input Image" box.
GUI for xprism
If you are interested in executing xprism with the image displayed above then click HERE