DFT: Linear Convolution
Building the Cantata Workspace
- Get image gull.viff, reduce it to 1/2 its size (shrink), zero padded
and display it using the following operators:
User defined,
Shrink ,
Pad and
Display Image.
- Import the ascii convolution kernel and zero padded to the same
dimensions of the image. Use operators
Import ASCII and
- Take the forward Fourier transform of both the image and zero padded
kernel and multiply the results. Now take the inverse Fourier
transform and display the result, this is convolution in the frequency
domain. Use the
FFT and
Display Image operators.
- Perform the convolution and display the result, use operators
Linear Operator and
Display Image.
- Take the absolute difference of the results obtained in the frequency
domain and spatial domain.
- Suggest another method for performing linear convolution where
the output dimensions are the same of the original input image.
- Perform the same experiment but with different kernels (low pass,
high pass).
- What happens if no zero padding is performed?
- Experiment with different images.
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