2D DFT from 1D DFT

Building the Cantata Workspace

  1. Create a small white box 4 x 16 centered in a 128 square black backgroung using the operators Constant and Pad . Display it.
  2. First take the DFT of the lines of the image, using the FFT operator selected to operate just in the width dimension. Display it.
  3. Take the DFT of the columns of the previous DFT, using the FFT operator selected to operate just in the height dimension. Display it.
  4. Compare this result with the one taking using the FFT operator selected to operate in both dimensions. Use operator Compare Objects .
Warning: There was a bug during the writing of this lesson concerned the shifting of the DFT to the center of the image. To work properly now, just select one of the DFTs to center the spectrum.


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