DIP with Khoros 2: Course Overview (Quick Tour)
Machu Picchu, Perú
1. Image Representation and Visualization
Digital Image

Fourier Transform

DFT of original image ------------ DFT of the Roberts kernel

Multiplication of both DFTs -------- Inverse-DFT
2. Image Enhancement
Contrast Enhancement

Original image ---------------- Logarithmic enhanced
Edge Detection

Left: Original, Right: Sobel operator

Left: Prewitt operator, Right: Isotropic operator
Pseudo Color

Rainbow colortable ------------- SApseudo colortable
Median Filter

Original image --------------- Shot Noisy image at 10%

Median Filtered: Left: 3x3 window, Right: 5x5 window
Image Sharpening

Top Left: Original image
Top Right: Laplacian filtered image
Bottom Left: Sharpened image, Adding the original with the Laplacian
Bottom Right: Frequency response of the Laplacian filter.
Magnifying (interpolation)

Original image
3. Image Restoration
Wiener Filter

Left: blurred byte type image, Right: its spectrum

Left: frequency response of the Wiener filter,
Right: Result of the Wiener filter
4. Image Analysis
Image Segmentation: Threshold

Original image ---------------- Threshold: 118
Area Measurement and Display

Random pseudocolor: labeled image

Intensity is proportional to area of each connected regions
Pattern Classification

Original binary image
Classified image
5. Image Reconstruction
6. Image Compression
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