Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing

Building the Cantata Workspace

There are two basic tools in Mathematical Morphology: Dilation and Erosion. They can process both binary and grey-level images.

These operators require a structuring element as second input.

  1. Using the operator Struct. El. 3x3 it is possible to generate 3x3 planar elements.
  2. Using the operator Disk Struct. El. it is possible to generate any disk, using three distance metrics: Euclidean, City-Block and Chess-Board.
  3. Using the operator Viff-> Str.El. to convert any viff file to a structuring element.
Select the $DIP/data/angio.tiff image. It is a grey-level image. Threshold the image at 128-level using the > operator to produce a binary image.

The Dilation and Erosion operators can be applied to both binary and grey-level images.

Use a circular structuring element of diameter 5 to perform an Opening and a Closing operation on the image. Opening is an erosion followed by a dilation operation. Closing is a dilation followed by an erosion operation.


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