# Khoros Visual Programming Workspace # # cantata workspace file (W-compression.wk) was created # on Tue Aug 1 09:41:15 1995 # by user lotufo # VariablesBegin: # No variables currently declared. # VariablesEnd: #GlyphBegin # Glyph 'Wavelet Transform' Glyph:WAVELET:kwt::3:105:185:: -dir 0 -w -h # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::7:605:185:: -use_cmap 1 -x '778' -y '10' # Glyph 'Wavelet Transform' Glyph:WAVELET:kwt::11:525:245:: -dir 1 -w -h # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::15:525:85:: -use_cmap 1 -x '522' -y '10' # Glyph 'Absolute Diff' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kabsdiff::19:605:365:: # Glyph 'Statistics' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kstats::23:685:285:: -whole -mean -var -sd -minval -maxval # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::27:105:5:: -use_cmap 1 -x '10' -y '10' # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::31:685:365:: -use_cmap 1 -x '10' -y '500' # Glyph 'Pad' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kpad::35:425:185:: -wsize '256' -hsize '256' -woff '0' -hoff '0' -doff '0' -toff '0' -eoff '0' -real '0' -imag '0' -valid 1 # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::39:105:105:: -use_cmap 1 -x '266' -y '10' # Glyph 'Comment Icon' Glyph:DESIGN:comment::43:105:265:: -comment 'Forward wavelet trasnform. Filter coefficients selected are Daubechies. ' # Glyph 'Comment Icon' Glyph:DESIGN:comment::47:685:185:: -comment 'Image reconstruction using the low frequency wavelet coefficients.' # Glyph 'Comment Icon' Glyph:DESIGN:comment::51:785:345:: -comment 'Difference between original and reconstructed image.' # Glyph 'User defined' Glyph:DESIGN:user_def::55:5:45:: -o $DIP/data/gull.viff # Glyph 'Wavelet Transform' Glyph:WAVELET:kwt::59:325:225:: -dir 1 -w -h # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::63:425:85:: -use_cmap 1 -x '778' -y '500' # Glyph 'User defined' Glyph:DESIGN:user_def::67:5:165:: -o $DIP/data/daub2hd.ascii # Glyph 'User defined' Glyph:DESIGN:user_def::71:5:225:: -o $DIP/data/daub2ld.ascii # Glyph 'User defined' Glyph:DESIGN:user_def::75:205:285:: -o $DIP/data/daub2li.ascii # Glyph 'User defined' Glyph:DESIGN:user_def::79:205:225:: -o $DIP/data/daub2hi.ascii # Glyph 'Absolute Diff' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kabsdiff::83:405:365:: # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::87:485:345:: -use_cmap 1 -x '778' -y '500' 'Display 4' ProcedureBegin:Display 4:91:305:105:runwksp -i /tmp/ioIAAa02810 -i_2 /tmp/ioIAAa02810 -i_3 /tmp/ioIAAa02810 -i_4 /tmp/ioIAAa02810 -o /tmp/ioSAAa02104 VariablesBegin: # No variables currently declared. # VariablesEnd: #GlyphBegin # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::3:343:343:: -use_cmap 1 -x '400' -y '400' # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::7:343:263:: -use_cmap 1 -x '400' -y '400' # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::11:343:183:: -use_cmap 1 -x '400' -y '400' # Glyph 'Extract' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kextract::15:263:343: i!i: -wsize '128' -hsize '128' -woff '128' -hoff '128' -subpos 0 # Glyph 'Extract' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kextract::21:263:263: i!i_2: -wsize '128' -hsize '128' -woff '0' -hoff '128' -subpos 0 # Glyph 'Extract' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kextract::27:263:183: i!i_3: -wsize '128' -hsize '128' -woff '128' -hoff '0' -subpos 0 # Glyph 'Display Image' Glyph:ENVISION:putimage::33:343:83:: -use_cmap 1 -x '400' -y '400' # Glyph 'Extract' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kextract::37:263:103: i!i_4 o!o: -wsize '128' -hsize '128' -woff '0' -hoff '0' -subpos 0 #GlyphEnd #ConnectionBegin # 'Extract' NodeConnection:15:o:3:i: # 'Extract' NodeConnection:21:o:7:i: # 'Extract' NodeConnection:27:o:11:i: # 'Extract' NodeConnection:37:o:40:o: NodeConnection:37:o:33:i: #ConnectionEnd #ExternalConnectionEnd AnnotationsBegin AnnotationsEnd ProcedureEnd:Display 4 # Glyph 'Statistics' Glyph:DATAMANIP:kstats::121:485:425:: -whole -mean -var -sd -minval -maxval #GlyphEnd #ConnectionBegin # 'Wavelet Transform' NodeConnection:3:o:39:i: NodeConnection:3:o:59:i: NodeConnection:3:o:91:i: NodeConnection:3:o:91:i_2: NodeConnection:3:o:91:i_3: NodeConnection:3:o:91:i_4: # 'Wavelet Transform' NodeConnection:11:o:7:i: NodeConnection:11:o:19:i1: # 'Absolute Diff' NodeConnection:19:o:23:i: NodeConnection:19:o:31:i: # 'Statistics' # 'Pad' NodeConnection:35:o:15:i: NodeConnection:35:o:11:i: # 'User defined' NodeConnection:55:o:27:i: NodeConnection:55:o:3:i: NodeConnection:55:o:19:i2: NodeConnection:55:o:83:i1: # 'Wavelet Transform' NodeConnection:59:o:63:i: NodeConnection:59:o:83:i2: # 'User defined' NodeConnection:67:o:3:fh: # 'User defined' NodeConnection:71:o:3:fl: # 'User defined' NodeConnection:75:o:11:fl: NodeConnection:75:o:59:fl: # 'User defined' NodeConnection:79:o:11:fh: NodeConnection:79:o:59:fh: # 'Absolute Diff' NodeConnection:83:o:87:i: NodeConnection:83:o:121:i: # 'Display 4' NodeConnection:91:o:35:i: # 'Statistics' #ConnectionEnd #ExternalConnectionEnd AnnotationsBegin AnnotationsEnd