/* * 1.0 version. */ import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.net.URL; class ScrollableCanvas extends Canvas { Image image; int tx = 0; int ty = 0; Dimension preferredSize; ScrollableCanvas(Image img, Dimension prefSize) { image = img; preferredSize = prefSize; } public Dimension minimumSize() { return new Dimension(10, 10); } public Dimension preferredSize() { return preferredSize; } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.translate(-tx, -ty); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, getBackground(), this); } } public class ImageScroller extends Applet { Scrollbar vert; Scrollbar horz; ScrollableCanvas canvas; boolean inAnApplet = true; String imageFile = "people.gif"; Dimension imageSize = new Dimension(600, 320); Dimension preferredImageSize = new Dimension(300, 100); //This method assumes this Applet is visible. public void init() { Image img; if (inAnApplet) { img = getImage(getCodeBase(), imageFile); } else { img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(imageFile); } canvas = new ScrollableCanvas(img, preferredImageSize); //Create horizontal scrollbar. horz = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL); //Create vertical scrollbar. vert = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL); //Add Components to the Applet. setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add("Center", canvas); add("East", vert); add("South", horz); validate(); //Now that we've validated, then assuming this Applet is //visible, the canvas size is valid and we can adjust the //scrollbars to match the image area. [CHECK] resizeHorz(); resizeVert(); } public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { switch (evt.id) { case Event.SCROLL_LINE_UP: case Event.SCROLL_LINE_DOWN: case Event.SCROLL_PAGE_UP: case Event.SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN: case Event.SCROLL_ABSOLUTE: if (evt.target == vert) { canvas.ty = ((Integer)evt.arg).intValue(); canvas.repaint(); } if (evt.target == horz) { canvas.tx = ((Integer)evt.arg).intValue(); canvas.repaint(); } } return super.handleEvent(evt); } //Don't call this until the canvas size is valid. void resizeHorz() { int canvasWidth = canvas.size().width; if (canvasWidth <= 0) { System.out.println("Canvas has no width; can't resize scrollbar"); return; } //Shift everything to the right if we're displaying empty space //on the right side. if ((canvas.tx + canvasWidth) > imageSize.width) { int newtx = imageSize.width - canvasWidth; if (newtx < 0) { newtx = 0; } canvas.tx = newtx; } horz.setValues(//draw the part of the image that starts at this x: canvas.tx, //amount to scroll for a "page": (int)(canvasWidth * 0.9), //minimum image x to specify: 0, //maximum image x to specify: imageSize.width - canvasWidth); //"visible" arg to setValues() has no effect after scrollbar is visible. horz.setPageIncrement((int)(canvasWidth * 0.9)); return; } //Don't call this until the canvas size is valid. void resizeVert() { int canvasHeight = canvas.size().height; if (canvasHeight <= 0) { System.out.println("Canvas has no height; can't resize scrollbar"); return; } //Shift everything downward if we're displaying empty space //on the bottom. if ((canvas.ty + canvasHeight) > imageSize.height) { int newty = imageSize.height - canvasHeight; if (newty < 0) { newty = 0; } canvas.ty = newty; } vert.setValues(//initially draw part of image starting at this y: canvas.ty, //visible arg--amount to scroll for a "page": (int)(canvasHeight * 0.9), //minimum image y to specify: 0, //maximum image y to specify: imageSize.height - canvasHeight); //"visible" arg to setValues() has no effect after scrollbar is visible. vert.setPageIncrement((int)(canvasHeight * 0.9)); return; } public void paint(Graphics g) { //This method probably was called due to applet being resized. resizeHorz(); resizeVert(); return; } }