The background of these meetings organized by the Venezuelan Physics Society, begins with an annual Symposium, which took place every year since 1989.

Due to the impact of this kind of meetings developed among physicists (researchers and students) it was necessary to structure an event that would match with the importance represented by the number of the participants and works involved.

The answer was the First Venezuelan Physics Congress in 1997, that took place in Mérida (Venezuela). The Second Meeting was held in 2000 in Cumaná (Venezuela). More than 200 physicists attended the meeting, there were 21 Invited Lectures, and 201 Contributions.

Now, Caracas has been selected to celebrate the III Meeting of the Venezuelan Physical Society from December 10th to 14th  2001. This city is located in a valley at the foothill of the Central Mountain System, and the Cerro El Ávila (The Ávila mountain). The altitude of the city is 903 m. (~ 3000 ft.) over sea level. Its temperature all around the year is between 12 and 30 °C (54 and 90 °F).

This 3rd meeting starts its internationalization thanks to the number of international invited speakers and the different international satellite meetings programmed. Furthermore the conference proceedings will be published in the international indexed journal Revista Mexicana de Física. There will be more than 50 invited speakers and we expect more than 400 attendees. The conference will include 9 scientific sessions.

The conference reception will take place December 9th, 2001 at the Paraninfo of the Universidad Simón Bolívar. The conference sessions will take place at the auditoria complex of the Universidad Simón Bolívar.