Derrame Petrolero | Escuela de Fisica

Derrame Petrolero

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Guarapiche y la Física: ¿Algo que ver?

"[P]hysics deals comfortably with energy and matter of all kinds,
and all kinds of interactions between then, in all kind of environments.
Metallurgy, hearing aids, sailboats hulls, and archeology fall as much
within purview of physicists as do galaxies semiconductors, fiber optics,
and plasma reactors.
But I find it curious that many faculty members ignore the widespread
applicability of their subject beyond academe, perhaps because they
are not themselves aware of the extend to which physics has a life
of its own beyond the halls of the university."

The Entangled Dance of Physics, Stephen G. Benka

El derrame en el río Guarapiche es un problema de todos.

El naturalista norteamericano, John Muir, fundador en 1892 del primer grupo conservacionista, Sierra Club, nos recuerda que en la "Naturaleza no hay fragmentos" que somos parte de una gran totalidad. El derrame petrolero en el río Guarapiche, Estado Monagas, (Foto1, Foto2) es un drama ecológico de grandes proporciones que afecta a toda la cuenca del río Guarapiche: Mapa Google del área, y nos involucra a todos: ¡No hay fragmentos!

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