import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class CheckBoxDemo extends JPanel { static JFrame frame; JCheckBox chinButton; JCheckBox glassesButton; JCheckBox hairButton; JCheckBox teethButton; /* * Four accessory choices provide for 16 different * combinations. The image for each combination is * contained in a separate image file whose name indicates * the accessories. The filenames are "geek-XXXX.gif" * where XXXX can be one of the following 16 choices. * The "choices" StringBuffer contains the string that * indicates the current selection and is used to generate * the file name of the image to display. ---- // zero accessories c--- // one accessory -g-- --h- ---t cg-- // two accessories c-h- c--t -gh- -g-t --ht -ght // three accessories c-ht cg-t cgh- cght // all accessories */ StringBuffer choices; JLabel picture; public CheckBoxDemo() { // Create the check boxes //XXX: In 1.0.2 only, must use FixedJCheckBox instead of JCheckBox //XXX: if you want mnemonics to work. //XXX: See ui/swing/workaround.html for details. chinButton = new JCheckBox("Chin"); chinButton.setMnemonic('c'); chinButton.setSelected(true); glassesButton = new JCheckBox("Glasses"); glassesButton.setMnemonic('g'); glassesButton.setSelected(true); hairButton = new JCheckBox("Hair"); hairButton.setMnemonic('h'); hairButton.setSelected(true); teethButton = new JCheckBox("Teeth"); teethButton.setMnemonic('t'); teethButton.setSelected(true); // Register a listener for the check boxes. CheckBoxListener myListener = new CheckBoxListener(); chinButton.addItemListener(myListener); glassesButton.addItemListener(myListener); hairButton.addItemListener(myListener); teethButton.addItemListener(myListener); // Indicates what's on the geek. choices = new StringBuffer("cght"); // Set up the picture label picture = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("images/geek-" + choices.toString() + ".gif")); picture.setToolTipText(choices.toString()); // Put the check boxes in a column in a panel JPanel checkPanel = new JPanel(); checkPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1)); checkPanel.add(chinButton); checkPanel.add(glassesButton); checkPanel.add(hairButton); checkPanel.add(teethButton); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(checkPanel, "West"); add(picture, "Center"); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(20,20,20,20)); } /** Listens to the check boxes. */ class CheckBoxListener implements ItemListener { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { int index = 0; char c = '-'; Object source = e.getItemSelectable(); if (source == chinButton) { index = 0; c = 'c'; } else if (source == glassesButton) { index = 1; c = 'g'; } else if (source == hairButton) { index = 2; c = 'h'; } else if (source == teethButton) { index = 3; c = 't'; } if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) c = '-'; choices.setCharAt(index, c); picture.setIcon(new ImageIcon("images/geek-" + choices.toString() + ".gif")); picture.setToolTipText(choices.toString()); } } public static void main(String s[]) { WindowListener l = new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);} }; frame = new JFrame("CheckBoxDemo"); frame.addWindowListener(l); frame.getContentPane().add("Center", new CheckBoxDemo()); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); } }