#Seminario 22-Junio #Física ---“El Cáncer como Fenotipo y su Relación con el Origen de la Vida Multicelular.” | Escuela de Fisica

#Seminario 22-Junio #Física ---“El Cáncer como Fenotipo y su Relación con el Origen de la Vida Multicelular.”

Seminarios de la Escuela de Física - Semestre I-2016
“El Cáncer como Fenotipo y su Relación con el Origen de la Vida Multicelular.” *

Dr. Luis H. Cisneros

Research Scientist, NantOmics LLC & BEYOND Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science, Arizona State University.

*Charla online en vivo desde USA.
Cancer represents a breakdown of the normal relationship between somatic and germ cells. It has been suggested (Rainey and Kerr, 2010) that the transition from a single-celled world to reproductive assemblages is facilitated by the onset of defectors that flourish at the expense of the collective. If so, cancer could be vestige of a fundamental process, a necessary part in the profound relationship between selfish cells and cooperating communities leading to this momentous evolutionary step. Therefore cancerous ‘cheats’ may play a major role in the origin of cooperative aggregates and the subsequent emergence of fully multicellular life. We use an agent-based model of interacting cells that switch between a reproductive phase and a non-reproductive cooperative phase to explore this hypothesis. Individual dynamics of cells are defined by their metabolic strategies, simplified in a model that captures the tradeoff between rate and efficiency of energy production and anabolic growth. Mode selection depends on the conditions of the local environment but also ultimately modify it. The transition to cooperative behavior, consisting of the formation of aggregates that have a primitive reproductive capacity, emerges as a product of the environmental feedback and selection for fast replication or longevity at different time scales.

Sala Guillermo Ruggeri, Escuela de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, UCV

>>>>Miércoles 22 de junio de 2016, 3 p.m. <<<<

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