The Second Latin American Workshop on Nuclear and Heavy Ion Physics SCOPE
The workshop will be devoted to review the present knowledge and perspectives in pure and applied nuclear physics. Participants are encouraged to submit contributions, even if they can
be seen as preliminary results. The list of suggested topics can be summarized as
- Clustering in Nuclei
- Nuclear Reactions, Reaction Mechanims and Nuclear Structure Studies
- Physics of Electromagnetic and Nuclear Probes
- Exotic Nuclei and Exotic Reactions
- Nuclear Reactions of Astrophysical Interest
- Nuclear Spectroscopy
- Collective Motion in Hot/Cold Nuclei
- Giant Resonances in Hot Nuclei
- The Rotational Continuum, Super/Hyper Deformations
- Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics
- Instrumentation, New Detector Arrays and Applications
- Radioactive Beams/Unstable Nuclei
- Nuclear Fragmentation
- Cross-Disciplinary Applications of Nuclear Physics:
- Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
- Industry
- Chemistry and Physical Chemistry
- Agriculture
- Environmental Studies
- Geology and Geophysics
- Small Accelerator Physics
- Nuclear Chaos
- Excitation Modes of the Nucleon
Note: Contributions from other areas of nuclear physics (not listed above) are welcome.
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